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Hello, my name is Arsen. I am 34 years old. I had  drug and alcohol addiction. These problems came to my life in teenager’s time. I could’t live withought drugs and alcohol. I lost friends, family, hope for future and everything was broken in me. I had been in many rehab centers, but with no result. Already I am 9 months in Teen Challenge Program and withought any medicine I recieved full recovery. Now I have new friends, hope for a future and chance to start everything from the begining.  

If someone has problem with drug, alcohol or other addictions, this Program is the best place for help. Thank you.

Teen Challenge  currently offers a 12 month, 24 hour staffed residential drug-free therapeutic community for men wanting to overcome tobacco, alcohol, drug and gambling addictions. We care for their social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs through personal and group studies (working on character qualities), personal counselling, English language courses, living skills program, computer training, vocational training, sport and recreation activities.